Philippines is Poor because of its HOT Climate

Hot climate is the main reason why Philippines or Filipinos is a poor country.

Poverty is not man-made, it is the result of the Sun's Heat for thousands of years. Your black and brown skin color is not man-made, its the same reaction to the sun.

i strongly believed that EDUCATION is a knowledge product mostly created by humans living in MODERATE-CLIMATE-COUNTRIES. I strongly believed but Slavery is the result of the incapability of human living in a HOT CLIMATE Country to create Superior defensive & offensive weapons compare to moderate-climate countries thus Filipinos were colonized by Spain, Japan and USA. Poverty is the incapability of human living in HOT CLIMATE Country to create superior products.

 i strongly believed but Slavery is the result of the incapability of human living in a HOT CLIMATE Country to create Superior defensive & offensive weapons compare to moderate-climate countries thus Filipinos were colonized by Spain, Japan and USA. Poverty is the incapability of human living in HOT CLIMATE Country to create superior products.